
Evergreen Review – “The Lie


Available Online:

POETRY Magazine – “Innocence

Threepenny Review – “My Own Ash

The Sewanee Review – “Strange Rain

Image Journal – “An Affordable Place” and “Lurker” 

Cutleaf – “It’s Never a Ghost” and other poems

Nightmare Magazine – “Ritual

Transition Magazine – “Negotiations with the Snow” and “Rationale

Salamander Magazine – “The Pages in August

Florida Review Online – “Cooing” and “Longing

Beloit Poetry Journal – “Backyard, Morning

Print Only:

Southern Review – “Birthday”; “Memo”; and “All the Wrong Things”

New England Review – “Permanent Residency

Threepenny Review – “Monologue

Threepenny Review – “Re-Creation

Threepenny Review – “The Making of Widows

Cincinnati Review – “Emissary

Cincinnati Review – “Harmattan; He Wasn’t that Scared